Mission Trip

June 20, 2013 § Leave a comment

That’s right kids! I’ll be spending a whopping 8 weeks in France ministering with the full time missionaries who live there to the people of Nice.

My journey of how I got here is below if you’re interested. I’ll be posting updates and pictures along the way, so keep in touch! I will miss you all very much!

Most importantly, thank you all who helped support me with prayer, love, care, and financial support. You are God’s hands and feet; may He abundantly bless you for all you’ve done.

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And if you’re really interested in the detail…here is my story:

What an exciting journey the Lord has taken me on. The one-pager included gives you all the pertinent facts, but for those of you who want the details on how this came about, read on…

Back in December my friend Vanessa asked me to pray about going on a month-long mission trip this summer. I committed to pray, but instantly dismissed it as impossibility in my head. As I prayed and studied Genesis, God began to call me. God’s call to Abraham to go into a land He would show him was echoed in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Never have I been more impacted and more sure that the Lord called me directly. My call too was very Abrahamic as I didn’t yet know where or when He was calling me to go, simply asking me to make a choice. It was a tearful, fearful, tumultuous time that God used to strip away so many of the things I placed too highly in my life. As I prayed and considered, the image I could not shake was the day I would stand before Him and give an account for my life. How could I have said no, knowing He had called me? Suddenly things like losing my job, my apartment and belongings were trivial. This was my opportunity to step out in complete faith with nothing to secure me but Christ and my obedience to Him.

So I did. Not just with words, but with a full heart commitment I told the Lord yes. My commitment was a surrender of my all – my whole life, my job, my apartment, my everything. Not knowing where or when I would go, but I would follow wherever He lead.

Through lots of prayer and seeking, God perfectly worked out a plan to partner with Global Journeys through my friend Vanessa who was also called and will travel with me, and began to lead toward France. Because it’s first world, Europe is currently one of the most unreached areas of the world. The people are completely lacking in joy, peace, and eternal security. There is extreme division among people groups, ethnicities, and those that follow different religions. There is need everywhere, but our calling is clear.

We will be in Nice, France for 8 weeks from June 23rd – August 18th, staying with two full time missionaries who have been serving in France for over 3 years. We have both served on mission trips in the past and saw firsthand how draining it is for those who have committed their lives to loving and sharing Christ with a country and a people not their own; our heart while we’re there is to minister not only to the people of Nice, but to the missionaries. We want to refresh them, lighten their burden, encourage, love and come alongside them them in every way we can.

Our full itinerary will be finalized and reviewed once we arrive, but we know we will be running full tilt the entire time with things like helping coordinate and facilitate other short term teams coming to serve, children’s ministry including VBS, multiple outreach ministries, weekly children’s ministry at their church, and various other conferences and retreats.

Through His calling and my journey thus far, God has done incredible things in my heart and my life. He has brought me to a place I’ve never been with Him before; one of complete trust and surrender. He is teaching me how to hear His voice, discern His will, and obey Him fully. I have experienced the freedom and peace that comes from that trust, knowing He will provide even when I cannot imagine how.

Through His power alone, my unheard of request for an 8-week leave of absence from my job was approved! What an amazing, incredible thing. Seeing the way He has supernaturally provided for me and guided me through this process has changed me forever.

So dear ones, would you pray with and for me as I step out in faith to obey God’s call? My prayer is to make an impact for His kingdom and be a good and faithful servant. Would you also pray with me for the Lord’s provision financially? He continues to work to show me that this will come about through Him alone. For example, many thousands of dollars in recent vehicle repairs has removed my ability to provide for this journey on my own. This, yet again, is His time to shine; it will be 100% His doing. I need to raise $4,000 in the next four weeks to provide for airfare, room and board, meals, and ministry expenses. Any excess funds will be donated to the ministry.

This is such an exciting time and I thank you for reading about what God is doing, for partnering with me in prayer, and for praying about whether God would have you help us hold the rope as we get in the basket (Acts 9:22-25; 2 Cor. 11:30-12:10).

In an abundance of His love,
Amanda Eisermann

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